Beginning in January 2014, federal civilian employees and uniformed military personnel will receive a 1 percent pay raise under an executive order issued earlier this month.

This will be the first across-the-board pay raise for federal civilian workers since their pay was frozen in 2010. During the pay freeze some did receive step increases and performance awards.

The executive order sets pay levels for federal civilian employees (executive level, senior executives, and general schedule employees), uniformed military personnel, and judges.  

Tables attached to the executive order list the pay levels by grade/rank and by years of service for each category of pay plan.  The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) website includes a detailed explanation of each pay plan and their originating authorities.

In September, the president recommended the 1 percent pay raise, reaffirming his support for the raise that was included in his FY2014 budget request. Since that time Congress did not act to change that recommendation for civilian personnel. Congress did authorize a 1 percent pay raise for military personnel in the FY2014 Defense Authorization Act.